So I've been saving all of my PLA scrap from 3d printing since I got my printer. Finally filled the big red plastic coffee can I've been putting it all in. Was a lot of failed prints, brims, rafts, and purge lines. Took awhile to cut and break them all up, but got it small enough to fit in a Pepsi can I had cut the top off of. The bigger stuff I used a small pan and added it slowly as the parts melted into a pool. Set my gas oven to 400°F and baked it for a few hours, checking on it about every 15-30 minutes. It was super sticky while molten, but once finished and cooled they popped out of the molds pretty easily. So now I have myself a few coasters and a soda can trophy of all my scraps. Not sure if I'll do anything with them, but I have been thinking about maybe melting them into a workable form to machine or woodwork something else out of.