Show and Tell AA and AAA Battery holders

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local maker
Staff member
One of the first things I saw as a "functional" 3d print back in the early days of 3d printing was a AA and AAA battery holder on thingiverse. I finally got around to printing that last year and to my dismay it constantly jams up and doesn't release the batteries as expected. Given that is has been a year since I printed it and several years since it was released I realized there must be remixes or new designs that address this jamming issue. Sure enough I found dozens if not more to choose from.

AA and AAA battery holder (no jam) - mutterliebe

I ended picking this design that allows you print the labels in different colors. This requires glue and bit of patience to align the letters as there is no registration marks. Most importantly though the batteries feed as you would expect, keep pulling batteries from the bottom and they are instantly replaced. This model is stackable but but the AA must be on top due to models being remixed from two different designers. I personally printed two sets so I could fit the larger package of batteries all at once.

jammer and obsolete model on the left, fancy two color jam free models on the right!