Ooh, that fiberglass looks cool as hell! Did you make it using the existing part as a form? Why didn't it work for you?
Honestly, looking at the part, it might not be a good part to be 3D printed--it's a pretty big part, so it might not fit on many printers (it's definitely bigger than mine). You'll probably also want something tougher--3D printing's layer lines aren't really strong enough for something that will get vibrated as much as that part will (especially at the thickness that it looks like it needs). You might also need a lot of support material to make it print well. But! 3D printing might be good to make a mold/form that you can lay your fiberglass over, which would be strong enough. Plus, you can print the form in pieces on a smaller printer and then combine them without the strength concerns that would normally cause.
I haven't used the LIDAR app, but I know that newer iPhones have an actual LIDAR module that that app can use to get better results. It might be that your friend's iPad doesn't have that module so the app is only able to use the camera to "guess" at the dimensions. I don't know when those modules were added to iPads (or if they have been).